Friday, March 27, 2009

Did you ever knew that you were here..

Sometimes, we human being tend to characterize every thing that we tend to forget we are doing our own assassination, I mean characteristically. There comes a time ,when you think that you have reach a point where at least you can remain steady for a moment ,but then it just get engulf away , away through various channels.
I have been a championing in these particular phrase "love marriage', by supporting my fellow friends and near ones, at the same time, these days I tend to realize that you don't just assume and go forth . You need certain speed breakers to make yourself aware that you are not driving at a great speed. I mean ,take me, I am 25, single, working, life is delicious for me, but at the same time with the walk of life and things going around my backyard , I tend to think of many things that generally a youth would do.But then ,it arose a question of "responsibility' or kind of "commitment" which just makes me realize that I am not in these kind of horizon.

to be contd..
How can it be happening
when things like these happen, you wail
Images, memories still lingers on you
Days you had, fun you enjoy..
those were still memories now echoed as distant memories
Days when you really think that you were in wonderland

Now, you no more are the person you used to be
Blissful, were you now torn apart by those memories
things which you regret to happen just happened
those universal truths just occur twice
Makes you yonder again and again
lest you never walk that time alone

Days when you turn violet,green and blue
Now you remain just a pale image of those time
Overshadowed by those vivid images that you
tend to unfurl it away, which you can't
Questions arise, temples of thoughts awake
but can't help these mystique blues of life?
Have you ever been overshadowed by the myriad dreams..